BucaramangaBucaramanga Destacados

El Cacique Centro Comercial


In Bucaramanga is one of the most popular and visited shopping destinations in the city. Located in the northern zone of the city, the shopping center boasts over 400 stores and a wide variety of options for shoppers.

The Cacique Centro Comercial is known for being one of the largest in Colombia, with a total area of over 165,000 square meters. In addition to the stores, the shopping center has a wide variety of restaurants, cafes, and bars, making it a perfect destination for those who want to spend a day shopping and enjoying a good meal or drink.

The shopping center has ample free parking areas and 24-hour security. Additionally, there are several activities for visitors, such as cinemas, theaters, and live events that take place throughout the year.

The Cacique Centro Comercial is an ideal shopping destination, but it is also a perfect place to spend time with friends and family. The entertainment options, variety of stores, and wide range of food and drink choices make the shopping center a very popular place to visit in Bucaramanga.

In summary, the Cacique Centro Comercial in Bucaramanga is a very popular shopping and entertainment destination in the city. With its wide variety of stores, food and drink options, and activities for visitors, it is a perfect destination to spend a pleasant day in the city.

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