BucaramangaBucaramanga DestacadosFeaturedParques TemáticosSantander

Parque Cerro del Santísimo


Cerro del Santísimo is an imposing lookout located in Floridablanca, Santander, Colombia. This hill is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the region, thanks to the impressive panoramic views it offers.

To reach the lookout, visitors can take a hike along a paved route that stretches for more than 2 kilometers, or take a cable car that will take them directly to the top. Once there, they can enjoy a 360-degree view, as well as the peaks of the surrounding mountains.

In addition to the spectacular views, at the top of Cerro del Santísimo there is also a huge statue of Christ the Redeemer, similar to the one found in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The statue is 37 meters high and can be seen from several points in the city.

Cerro del Santísimo is an ideal place to take impressive photographs, enjoy a picnic with friends and family, or simply relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. If you visit Santander, you can't miss the opportunity to climb Cerro del Santísimo and experience one of the most impressive views in Colombia.

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